Why attend

VEF is a anual event held to creat a open zone to discuss deeply about the achievements, shortcomings and limitations in socio-economic development, response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam in the pastime. 

► Identify viewpoints, tasks, solutions and steps to reform and restructure the economy in order to overcome difficulties, overcome challenges, and take advantage of opportunities to realize economic development goals - society. 

► Proposing recommendations to open up resources, promote the efficiency of resources for growth and restructuring the economy. 

Vietnam Economic Forum 2021 is the fourth time the Forum is held. After three sessions of the first Forum (2017), the second (2018) and the third (2019), the Vietnam Economic Forum has increasingly expanded in terms of scale, number of speakers and guests. Participate and improve the quality of discussions.

The 5th VEF

In order to creat basis advisory for The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, which is directly The Political Bureau and The Secretariat of the Central Committee about major undertakings and policies on socio-economic development; The Party Central Committee's Economic Commission organize The Fourth Vietnam Economic Forum with the theme "Building up and enhanced resilent, independent and deeply integrated economy in the new landscape". 

This event is going to take place on June 5, 2022 in Ho Chi Minh City, including three thematic seminars and one Plenary session - high level dialogue:

► Plenary session - high level dialogue with theme "Building up and enhanced resilent, independent and deeply integrated economy in the new landscape"

► Thematic seminar

  • Thematic seminar 1: "Developing stable labor supply chains after COVID-19"
  • Thematic seminar 2: "Developing the capital and real estate market"
  • Thematic seminar 3: "Technological innovation, digital transformation and supply chain diversification"


Workshop 1

Workshop 2

Workshop 3

Workshop 4

Plenary session - High level policy dialogue


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